Thursday, January 15, 2015

Too realistic, or is that just experience talking

Tech Deck advertisement

I saw this sign when I was out with my daughter. She has a few of these boards and they are mainly used by her Polly Pocket and Playmobil dolls.

But in my youth I did skateboard a bit and had a few injuries. Sprained wrists were a regular occurrence, along with skinned knees. The only break I incurred was my left arm while doing a downhill run with my youngest brother.

So, while I have not done in my leg while skateboarding, I know of enough people who have. This is one of those ads almost requires inside knowledge. Skateboarders, along with their parents and doctors, will get it.

Speaking to the prospective customer in language that they understand is critical to success. Chalk up a victory for Tech Deck.

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