Saturday, January 10, 2015

Where do my skates go? Evidently straight into the dump.

Waste Wizard poster, TTC, subway car, Toronto, Ontario
Waste Wizard website
Like most large Canadian cities, Toronto is struggling to deal with the volume of household waste. In an effort to direct consumer waste into the right stream the city has set up the Waste Wizard website. By using the site consumers can "Learn what to do with unwanted stuff".

So, what should they do with the unwanted hockey skates? Donate them to a community centre? Give them to Goodwill? No, the first choice for that seemingly perfect good pair of hockey skates is straight into the dump. And that is evidently what should happen with all unwanted sports equipment.

Are there not better things to do with unwanted sports equipment? If the city is really serious about reducing the amount of stuff ending up in the dump the default information on the website should be reuse. There are plenty of organizations that could benefit from unused, but still usable, sports equipment. And given that skates are one of the featured items in the campaign, I expected that the default option for skates would be a bit more environmentally friendly.

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