Sunday, January 4, 2015

A special glass for drinking Coke?

Riedel Coca-Cola glass at William Ashley, Toronto, Ontario
I was familiar with Riedel glassware for wine. The company makes special varietal-specific glassware that is designed to help maximize the taste characteristics of different varietals. The Sauvignon Blanc glass is not the same shape as the Chardonnay glass. The firm's Vinum series includes 28 different glass shapes specifically designed for almost every conceivable wine and spirit beverage.

This is a far cry from the array of wine glasses that was available thirty years ago. You were doing well if you had three different shapes; red, white, and sparking.

So it is not a huge stretch that the different shapes for different drinks concept should extent to non-alcoholic beverages. This glass is a modern take on the traditional Coke glass. Will it enhance the taste of a bottle of Coca-Cola? Could the same glass also enhance the taste of Pepsi? I'm not a cola drinker, but I'm sure that some people would notice the difference, and Riedel will give them the chance to pay for the experience.

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