Sunday, March 16, 2014

How long ago?

Sears sign on the wall at Orchard Park Shopping Centre, Kelowna, BC

Sears sign on the wall at Orchard Park Shopping Centre, Kelowna, BC (Detail)
This very badly photographed sign is on the outside of the Sears store at the Orchard Park Shopping Centre in Kelowna. As you may be able to see, there is a whole bunch of replaced brickwork to the left of the SEARS name on the wall.

In 1971, the mall was built on a former orchard, hence the name. When the mall opened the two department store tenants were The Bay and Simpsons-Sears. In 1984, The Bay purchased the Simpsons department store chain and the Simpsons-Sears stores all became Sears locations.

So, 30 years after the name change, the brickwork at the mall hints at the former name of Simpsons-Sears.

In 2014, Sears appears to be on the brink of collapse. Perhaps some more brickwork will be required soon.

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