Sunday, June 30, 2013

Pepsi is at it again

Pepsi taste challenge, Cambie and Broadway, Vancouver, BC
In the 1980s Pepsi and Coke were battling neck and neck for the consumer's taste buds. Pepsi was seen as such a serious challenger that Coke was reformulated and "New Coke" was born. (Or perhaps I should say stillborn.)

One of the signs of the taste battle was the Pepsi Taste Challenge. Anywhere that people, especially young people, congregated Pepsi would set up its challenge. Consumers got to try both brands, Coke and Pepsi, and express their preference.

Well, Pepsi is at it again. Will this have any significant long-term effect on consumer's brand preferences? Probably not, but it does get the Pepsi name out there. (Not that soft drink consumers in North American could really be unaware of the existence of the Pepsi brand.)

I remain unaffected as I am not an aficionado of "brown pop".

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