Tuesday, October 21, 2014

When is a price increase not a price increase?

Sun-Rype 100% Juice, Apple Lime flavour - New 900 ml packaging

Sun-Rype 100% juice, Apple flavour - Original 1 litre packaging
(Source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/8/8a/Sun-Rype_Apple_Juice.JPG) 

I've written about this before, and I'll probably write about it again. Consumer are facing a bit of stealth inflation from consumer packaged goods (CPG) firms.

Sun-Rype has changed the packaging of its 100% juices from a 1 litre (1000 ml) package to a 900 ml package. So, 10% less and as the new package is taller than the old package most consumers probably won't realize that the amount they get in the box has changed.

Consumers who don't pay attention to packaging and labeling are their own worst enemies, and a staggering portion of consumers seem to be oblivious to the changes, or are unwilling to complain.

And as long as the complaints are low in number packaged goods firms will keep trying these sorts of moves.

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