The packaging is "new and improved"
The Original Packaging

"New and improved" is a staple, if you'll pardon the pun, of the consumer packaged goods industry. If you can't or don't need to change the contents, then you repackage.
In many cases the redesign is updating to bring the package looks up-to-date. That was the case with this packaging change. The ingredients and weight remained unchanged. The packaging was changed to both bring the design up-to-date and also to change the model to a less "Indian" looking woman. Also the model is wearing both less jewellery and more "Western" jewellery.
These sorts of changes are often required when firms start selling outside their home market. But in some cases the authenticity of the product seem diminished, and that can be part of the underlying appeal.
My wife bought both boxes of tea, and the brand name, "Tea India" was the same size font on both boxes. Was this a successful change? I think so. The consumer recognized that the new packaging replaced the old. If you change the package design and your old customers keep buying I'd call it a partial success.
Of course the real test is if the new package design attracts new customers.
Labels: consumer packaged goods, design, India, packaging, tea
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