Wednesday, February 8, 2012

So, what floor do I go to?

I must seem like I am the most petty person. I nitpick about everything from the spelling of "care" to signs with no brand names.
But there is a practical side to my complaints. If retailers make it hard for customers to find their way around the store, or find the products they are looking for, then sales will be affected.
Shoppers Drug Mart has been building lots of new stores. In high-rent urban environments these stores are increasingly two story affairs. Like any multi-floor store you can find an elevator in the store. The sign outside the elevator identifies the floor as the "First Floor" and the "Second Floor". Yet in the elevator the floors are identified as "2" and "G".
In addition, for some bizarre reason the sign outside the elevator has the first floor on top, and the second floor underneath. Logic would indicate that the order on the sign would be the top floor on top and the bottom floor on the bottom.
And why would the ground floor be identified with a "G" in the elevator and as the "First Floor" on the sign.
In the end this just confuses the customers. And there is no logical reason for it. This is a brand new store and the designers should have thought about these sorts of issues.
And if they are not thinking about this sort of issues, then they really don't have any business designing retail stores.

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